Saturday, November 18, 2006

Home at last


George Sakellariou said...

Donavan the Blogger :)
He must be the youngest Blogger on the net!!!! Thanks to papa Adam;)
I can't wait to meet this little blogger soon and watch him grow.
Nice pictures!!!


S'rae said...

He is so darn cute I can hardly stand it! Such a teeny thing. The photos are awesome. What is Ishmael thinking?... a strange new kitten has arrived?...

Molly said...

Congratulations you guys. He's beautiful. Where are the pictures of the actual birth! HA HA! I like the juxtaposition of Eve with big huge eyes and then all of a sudden holding a baby who's all clean and wrapped in a blanket! You have to keep the birth part secret for all those people who don't have kids! Otherwise the human race will die out! Have fun with him. You have an amazing and beautiful ride ahead of you.

Eva the Deadbeat said...

EEK! you mean the actual birth is bloody and gorey! i am SCARED!

seriously though, you guys are a very beautiful family. Donovan is a gem, a button full of cute, a snuggling bug in a rug.

do you remember molly and eve, when we were just three single gals eating cheese and crackers and guzzling wine (thanks for hostessing eve!)? so glad you guys have such beautiful kids and happy families cause now - I DON'T HAVE TO cause i know the planet will be safe with Donovans and Ivos around to protect it!

xoxo eva xoox

PS will Donovan and Ivo ever meet? I bet the will be buddies someday...